Complimentary GIS Assessment
A comprehensive GIS assessment is an essential part of maintaining a high-quality, effective GIS system. It is a required task to fully understand the capabilities and limitations of a GIS.
Benefits of a GIS assessment:
- identify potential problems or gaps in the system
- identify areas of improvement
- understand the needs of GIS users
- determine if the existing system is being used to its full potential
- identify potential issues with data quality and accuracy
- identify ways to improve data management practices
- find opportunities for integration with other systems or technologies
- inform long-term planning and decision-making
To get you started on the path to a healthy GIS, dymaptic offers a complimentary GIS assessment to all new clients. This totally FREE assessment is comprised of a web meeting with dymaptic GIS experts not to exceed 3 hours and a summary report. Additionally, we can perform a more in-depth assessment at a cost which can be applied to your first project with dymaptic.