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Technical Architects for Green Building Registry®

The Green Building Registry® is a software-as-a-service platform that aggregates data about the energy performance of homes throughout the US and makes that data available to the public through an easy-to-use online portal (https://www.greenbuildingregistry.com/) and an API for integrating home energy performance data into the home listings provided through real estate Multiple Listing Services (MLSs). 

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Mobile Data Collection

North America’s energy infrastructure includes more than one million miles of underground pipelines, many of which currently remain in service years or decades past their originally intended lifespans.  The organizations responsible for maintaining this infrastructure have traditionally used labor-intensive manual inspection and recording processes for staying apprised of the status of their pipelines, with the

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Tablet showing BPD website

Building Performance Database

The Building Performance Database (BPD) web portal (https://bpd.lbl.gov/) provides “the nation’s largest dataset of information about the energy-related characteristics of commercial and residential buildings”[1] to the public to allow them to explore and visualize building energy performance in a multitude of ways.  The BPD website had originally been implemented in Java and hosted as a

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